We have these 3 sisters, 9 week old pups…mama is a Doberman, unsure of what breed the dad is. We have been calling them the Chicken Nuggets and having the best time with them! They have all of the characteristics of a doberman…fearless, energetic, strong willed, SMART, and they love to cuddle!!! They have all been adopted and just waiting for the day they go to their new homes. In the mean time, I have them here in my home, crate training, potty training, working on basic house manners. My dogs have no idea what to think about 3 little nuggets running around. They keep looking at me like I’ve offended them, but they can’t help but play with these babies because they are just SO MUCH FUN! I’m remembering how much work a young puppy is…and multiplied by 3, its just non stop! Scooting my feet so I don’t step on the clingers, constantly watching for “the sniff” to let me know they need to potty, waking up to every sound throughout the night. But I have to say, these girls have been amazing! They sleep throughout the night in their crate. Sometimes we have accidents in the house but they are pretty good at showing me the signs that they need to go out. They know the signs of meal time, they understand the routine already. These babies will make wonderful pets and I’m so excited for their futures!!! We are going to miss these babies!